So I thought I would list out the way that URL ANT work just as an FYI or a Aplha instruction manual.
when the URL ANT sidebar gadget loads, the text fields bigUrl and smallUrl have there default instructions displaying and the shrink and view buttons are disabled.
when you click into the BigUrl field, the instructions disappear from it and the shrink button changes to activate.
once you have pasted you big URL into the bigUrl field, click the shrink button and then you URL is sent to where it processes and your smallUrl is then returned and displayed in the smallUrl field, at the same time the view button activates.
Now you can ether copy the small URL out of the smallUrl field or click on the view button. A pop up will appear alerting you that you will be opening the small URL in your default browser window.
The small URL will then open in a browser window and transparently your original big URL will load in the window.
So that's it, semi short and hopefully not to confusing ;)
Labels: URLANT instruction manual
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