Hi Guys
Justa qiuck note, We are moving the backend hosting platform ove rthe coming weeks and at the sam etime we wil be doing a could of tweaks. so you might see so stragne activity.
This upgrade will set the sence for some mor efeatures tha we want to add and we will also be porting over to other frameworks aswell.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, May 18, 2007
So the gadget was made publicly avalible on the Google desktop gadget site today.
I am sure that a fair few people r going to be checking it out and maybe even ending up here to see what its all about.
Well the gadget is still in bet and I would love to hear from anyone that wants the comment on it or report bigs or enhancements.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
So 15 days after it was submitted , Google finally confirmed that they have accepted this version of URL ANT and they will be posting it on the Gadgets and plugins page in the next couple of weeks.
Well lets see if any one uses it ! ;)
I have not really worked on it since my initial submission, even thought there are some things that i want to change. But lets see what people think and say when it gets made avalible!
P.S i got a free T shirt ! woop woop! well its better then i poke in the eye with a sharp stick!
Monday, April 30, 2007
So I thought I would list out the way that URL ANT work just as an FYI or a Aplha instruction manual.
when the URL ANT sidebar gadget loads, the text fields bigUrl and smallUrl have there default instructions displaying and the shrink and view buttons are disabled.
when you click into the BigUrl field, the instructions disappear from it and the shrink button changes to activate.
once you have pasted you big URL into the bigUrl field, click the shrink button and then you URL is sent to urlant.com where it processes and your smallUrl is then returned and displayed in the smallUrl field, at the same time the view button activates.
Now you can ether copy the small URL out of the smallUrl field or click on the view button. A pop up will appear alerting you that you will be opening the small URL in your default browser window.
The small URL will then open in a browser window and transparently your original big URL will load in the window.
So that's it, semi short and hopefully not to confusing ;)
Labels: URLANT instruction manual
Last night i was on one of my offroading forums and i noticed that it did not like it when i added a URL to some pics i had taken of my truck after i hosed the drive shaft.
So what to do? Well i went to good old faithful http://tinyurl.com and then started thinking why not create a simple gadget that allows you to convert a your long URL's from Google Desktop.
3 hours later I cut this simple POC.